Nightguards and Sportsguards


Grinding of the teeth is a medical condition called bruxism. Over time, bruxism will result in the wearing down of your natural tooth enamel. In fact, studies suggest that those who grind and clench their teeth may experience up to 80 times the normal wear per day compared to those who do not.

For those who grind and clench their teeth at night, a custom made oral appliance can help relieve the associated headaches, muscle pain, and teeth damage. At Irvine Lake Dental, we recommend the Comfort Hard Soft Bite Splint. It is a clear, thin customized device that fits over your upper or lower teeth during sleep that can offset the effects of bruxing or clenching while protecting your teeth from daily wear and tear. Two layers make up the Comfort H/S Bite Splint: a 1 mm soft polyurethane inner layer that rests comfortably against the teeth and gums; and a 3 mm hard, clear copolyester outer layer that provides durability and protection. The Comfort H/S Bite Splint is fabricated from ISO-certified ERKODENT® copolyester and polyurethane discs, which are BPA-free and non-allergenic.

It is also highly recommended for those who have crowns, bridges, implants, veneers and dentures, to offset the effects of the often-subconscious habit of bruxing and clenching.



Helmets, knee pads, shin guards…if you’re an avid athlete or the parent of one, you know the importance of proper protective gear. But did you know that up to 40 percent of all sports injuries involve the face? Protect your smile and your mouth with a comfortable, custom-molded mouthguard to dramatically reduce the risk of sports-related oral injury.

A mouthguard is an essential piece of athletic gear that fits over your teeth and can help protect your smile as well as your lips, tongue, face, and jaw. At Irvine Lake Dental, mouthguards are custom made for each patient using the impressions of their teeth. This ensures superior comfort and protection compared to mouthguards purchased from a store.

diagram explaining how mouthguards help protect teeth